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Autumn Health Boosters

At this time of year as the summer fades and autumn really takes hold, many people suffer a dip in their health.

Many of us succumb to bugs and infections at the turn of the seasons, so now is the time to take extra care of ourselves to make sure we head into winter with our health and energy reserves as good as they can be.

People have differing opinions as to why the change of seasons affects so many of us, but in many cases it is a practical issue. When it gets colder, we tend to get outside less, spending more time in centrally heated environments where bacteria thrive, so there is more exposure to bugs. Combine that with a decrease in exercise and fresh air, and you find people start to come down with all sorts of ailments.

There is also the tendency to rediscover all the aches and pains that the warmth and sunshine have kept at bay!

So in order to stave off the bugs here are a few tips that might help.

Get out in the fresh air!

It can’t be emphasised enough that being outside in the fresh air is good for you. Some years ago, there was a study in a nursery school that was based in an outdoor environment all year round, with the children protected from the wet weather, but exposed to fresh air all the time. They found that the children were much healthier than their indoor peers, with incredibly low rates of the usual winter ailments. So, get outside whenever you can, and don’t forget to let the outside air into your house too. We get so worried about keeping our houses warm, that we forget the benefit of having the windows open and some fresh air blowing away all the accumulated bugs regularly.

Drink Plenty

Most of us have acquired the habit of taking water out and about with us in the summer, but as it gets cooler we are less likely to do so. However, it is just as important to drink plenty in the winter, especially when we spend so much time in centrally heated environments where it is easy to get dehydrated. Try to keep up your fluid intake with water and other drinks. When you are properly hydrated your body can work most effectively helping to flush out bacteria and keep your immune system working at its peak.


Sleep is when the body makes adjustments, retunes and repairs. If we don’t get enough sleep we can’t expect to feel well. If you have disturbed nights look for advice on how to improve your sleep, and try to address any stressful situations as they can often be a cause of poor sleep. It is also important to remember the power of rest. If you start to come down with a bug, rest as much as you can, and you will usually recover from it more quickly.

Remember the 5 a day!

Now is a great time to give your diet a boost. Start making lovely autumn soups and stews, and increase your vegetable intake. It can be tempting as the weather gets colder to reach for sweet treats and comforts, but the best way to keep well in the winter is through a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Some people feel that taking a supplement through the winter helps them, and if it works for you, then keep with it.

If you do come down with a bug of any kind this winter, remember to try some Ecinachea and extra Vitamin C along with the tips above, and hopefully you will be back on track in no time!

If you find that you just can't shake off a virus or infection, perhaps try some of the homeopathic remedies I will talk about in my next blog!

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